I am trying to stream video clips in MPC while using a playlist from MPC. However when it switches over to the next video clip in the playlist, the video stops playing OBS. All it shows is the last frame from the last clip and it's frozen like that. However we can still hear the sound from the next video in the playlist. I am using the game capture source with MPC, the Capture mouse cursor is turned off. Window capture does not work with MPC. I have also tried using VLC. However it does not work with Window Capture or Game Capture. Is this a bug or is there something wrong on my end?
P.S. This was working at versoin .50 or somewhere around that update, but since updating it has broke that feature.
CPU 2700k Overclocked to 4.5ghz
Asus Xonar DGX Audio Device [Audio Card]
Nvidia GTX 690, GT 430, On-board Video
2x SSD Raid0
Win8 64bit
OBS 64bit
Desktop Resolution 5760x1080 [Plus two more 1080p monitors] [5x monitors in total//all 1080p]
Streaming Resolution 1920x1080 [streams only the game plus monitor]
Streaming Reduced to 720p
Stream FPS 30fps
P.S. This was working at versoin .50 or somewhere around that update, but since updating it has broke that feature.
CPU 2700k Overclocked to 4.5ghz
Asus Xonar DGX Audio Device [Audio Card]
Nvidia GTX 690, GT 430, On-board Video
2x SSD Raid0
Win8 64bit
OBS 64bit
Desktop Resolution 5760x1080 [Plus two more 1080p monitors] [5x monitors in total//all 1080p]
Streaming Resolution 1920x1080 [streams only the game plus monitor]
Streaming Reduced to 720p
Stream FPS 30fps