Video corrupting - change to how OBS quits

Dark Archon

New Member
Well, OBS has just corrupted another one of my videos because of this incredibly weird way the program handles quiting.

After a video is recorded and the user clicks to close OBS a prompt might pop-up saying that the video is still being saved. Which is fine. But for some reason the program only gives the user two choices:

- either close the program immediately (which will corrupt the video)
- or wait 15 seconds (to wait for the video to finish saving) and then force-kill the process.

If the video needs longer than 15 seconds to process, choosing any of the two options will instantly corrupt the whole recording. And there seems to be no way to avoid it.

IMHO the prompt should be handled completely different:
Instead of offering to wait 15 seconds and then forcibly quitting the program... Why not just give the user the option to cancel and return to OBS? So that the user can wait until the video is processed. Then, when the user is sure the video saved properly, they can try closing the program again.

This would have saved me 2,5 hours of work just now. :(


Active Member
That's why the default is flv, you're better off remuxing after you recorded (to flv).
Because this is the workaround, this most likely won't be changed in OBS.
OBS multiplatform has some form of protection so that the mp4 won't be corrupt if it crashes.


The Helping Squad
Still, if you encounter a power outage or severe system crash, FLV is the way to make sure the video will still be working.
The way the mp4 container works makes it hard (or maybe undoable) to make it completely crash save.


Active Member
Just because OBS provides an option to save to FLV doesn't mean it should purposefully corrupt MP4 files when it can be easily avoided.
The problem is that avoiding corruption on mp4 isn't exactly easy as listed by the two moderators.