Question / Help Video Capture Issue


New Member
I have video capture on multiple scenes and they are all set up the same way but when I sometimes swap scenes it wont display. The source of the webcam is still there but it is blank so I have to re make it and it makes my quality of life and the stream quality go down. Any word on what could be causing this? I am windows 8 and use the 32 bit version of OBS. If you want to look at my settings come to



kowabunga said:
it makes my quality of life ... go down.

Puns aside, are you able to confirm the continued function of the webcam throughout this situation? What I mean is, can you confirm it's not actually the webcam that somehow stops transmitting an actual stream of information? And, is your webcam operating in 64-bit drivers? Assuming you're on a 64-bit OS here for a second. If it is, it may be prudent to simply switch to 64-bit OBS as well. 64-bit OS, 64-bit drivers, 64-bit OBS... makes sense. Again, assuming your webcam is modern and features 64-bit drivers.


Forum Admin
This is not a bug and is documented in the help file. You need to use global sources.


Community Helper
A global source is a source that stays loaded even after you switch to a scene that doesn't have the source added to it. Normally when you switch away from a scene, the source is unloaded to save on resources, but has to be reloaded when switching back to the scene, which can cause a blip if the source takes a long time to load. With some game, loading and unloading them all the time doesn't work that well, so you can add the game capture as a global source instead.

There is a section of the help file that talks about global sources if you want to read that.