Bug Report Video Capture/Chromakey issues


New Member
For the last few builds, I've been running into some strange combination of video capture issues, not entirely sure if that's stemming from use of chromakey or not.

I'm basically having the video capture screen disappear at points. For the most part chromakey works wonderfully, generally have to set similarity to something around 280. However, at points, the entire video will completely randomly disappear. This mostly will happen when I've closed OBS after a stream and then re-open it (but sometimes it has happened while adjusting chromakey settings while setting up), at which point the video will be completely missing even though it's still added to the scene. No matter what I do at that point I have to delete all instances of the video capture in all scenes (I generally have a scene that's fullscreen and a scene that's smaller in the bottom corner), and then re-add the video re-doing all the chromekey settings again.

What I did manage to find out, however, is that instead of the video disappearing, it suddenly seems like only a small portion of the video is getting shown. The last time this vanishing act happened I disabled the chromakey and found that the camera is focusing on a small portion of my screen instead of showing the full scope of it. I waved my hands around and found that it was almost as if the webcam had cropped down the video to a small portion only as it was barely showed an area bigger than my hand.

Well, hopefully some of this post made sense, I'll try to see if I can include some screenshots of what's going on later if it needs to be explained better.