Video and Audio suggestion


New Member
I think Jim is already working/planned this features but i just want to point at some special things about them:
For video - post-processing such as brightness, contrast and gamma (I am sure Jim planned these things)
For audio - unlink volume in "Use Device Audio"(when configuring merged image and audio source) from general OBS volume output

About audio - i cann't configure HDMI audio coming in by drivers or anything else(Live Gamer HD with Windows 7), the only possible way to do this - is to use OBS feature "Use Device Audio" in image source properties. I stream mostly at night, so i mostly use headphones and i need to hear the Xbox i am playing so I need to use "Output audio to desktop" and when i lower so-called "Device Audio" i lower the general OBS sound(OBS "speakers") which leads to lower volume in the stream. Looks like these two sliders are linked, i hope Jim could think of a way to unlink them.


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Forum Moderator
yea, I'm aware of the issues with them being linked. I'm also aware of the need to put in gamma/etc in there. There's been a lot going on for me personally so I haven't really been able to dedicate time to the specific details personally, but I am aware of them


New Member
I hope I didn't sound as rude as I imagined - thanks for response, Jim, we all hope that eventually you will implement all the things you planned for OBS, but as for now feel free to finished all that personal stuff that keeps you away from your most interesting(i hope) project.
P.S. I would ask one thing though(hope its not that hard) - please do more frequent updates in related topic > viewtopic.php?f=7&t=20
(that was the actual cause of this thread)