Question / Help Video Adapter


New Member
ok basically when i go to video and then video adapter

when i try to use my video card onboard

which is Intel HD Graphics 4000
Everything works well

But when i try to use the offboard video card which is Gforce GTX 660m

Then the stream doenst work my screens turns black

does anyone know what is it?

thank you


So everything works fine with video adapter set to HD 4000? If you use Game Capture and Video Adapter is set to HD 4000 and everything works fine, you have a little problem there. It means you run games on the HD 4000 and not on the GTX 660m. What kind of FPS number you get? Your games should run on the GTX 660m and video adapter in OBS settings set to GTX 660m. HD 4000 is really weak compared to GTX 660m.