Very High Vram Usage while Playing and Streaming CSGO on Especially with Faceit and the Anti Cheat.

I have finally narrowed down the problem to OBS as being the issue with Dedicated VRAM usage.

Here is my current Data.

Here is the Analyzation of that Data: By the way thank you developers for this! I have been using OBS years originally in Linux around 2013 or so. We didn't have fancy tools like this back then.. It was play around and find out lol..

This is with OBS Running. *On

This is with OBS Not Running. *OFF

Is there a way to set Max Dedicated VRAM usage for OBS as a whole or a way to tell it to provision most to Shared memory unless its critical to the stream. Ideally less that 512 Mb of Vram up to a 1 Gb max of dedicated Vram.

Keep in mind both of these test were running without a Game running in the background.

Current Log File


Active Member
Start here & see if things improve.

22:10:50.059: [noise suppress]: NVIDIA AUDIO FX version:
22:10:50.059: [noise suppress]: NVIDIA AUDIO Effects SDK is outdated. Please update both audio & video SDK.
22:10:50.352: [noise suppress]: NVIDIA AUDIO FX enabled
22:10:50.353: [NVIDIA VIDEO FX]: NVIDIA VIDEO FX version:
22:10:50.353: [NVIDIA VIDEO FX]: NVIDIA VIDEO Effects SDK is outdated. Please update both audio & video SDK.
22:10:50.912: [NVIDIA VIDEO FX]: sdk loaded but old redistributable detected; please upgrade.
22:10:50.913: [NVIDIA VIDEO FX]: enabled, redistributable found

Start here & see if things improve.

22:10:50.059: [noise suppress]: NVIDIA AUDIO FX version:
22:10:50.059: [noise suppress]: NVIDIA AUDIO Effects SDK is outdated. Please update both audio & video SDK.
22:10:50.352: [noise suppress]: NVIDIA AUDIO FX enabled
22:10:50.353: [NVIDIA VIDEO FX]: NVIDIA VIDEO FX version:
22:10:50.353: [NVIDIA VIDEO FX]: NVIDIA VIDEO Effects SDK is outdated. Please update both audio & video SDK.
22:10:50.912: [NVIDIA VIDEO FX]: sdk loaded but old redistributable detected; please upgrade.
22:10:50.913: [NVIDIA VIDEO FX]: enabled, redistributable found
Good job!! I updated those manually from here:

Here is my current log file.

It seems like those errors went away but I am still using about 3 to 4 gigs on average for OBS.
With this test running I had Captain of Industries up and running but was in a paused state.

This is with OBS on*

This is with OBS off*

Keep in mind on the above screen shots Captain of industries is running the entire time the only difference is with OBS on and off.


Forum Admin
I would imagine the nv_greenscreen_filter requires a decent amount of VRAM. Try reducing sources, filters, etc. until it reaches an acceptable level.
2x with the analyzer & the sample rate mis-match isn't fixed yet?

Create a new Profile with just (1) Scene/Source. VRAM usage should drop...
Yes it does drop but still using about two gigs roughly. The reason for the miss match is my microphone is 44.1khz sample rate cant be changed however my fiber audio output to my headset is 48khz and my obs is set to 48 khz. Not sure what to do about my Lyx pro SMU-1 Microphone that is causing that issue... I might have to break down and spend money again.
I would imagine the nv_greenscreen_filter requires a decent amount of VRAM. Try reducing sources, filters, etc. until it reaches an acceptable level.
Ah good catch! I recently removed I thought all the filters on one of my tests just to be safe here is a new log in hopes you can see that here. By the way still the same issue eating about 2.5 Gigs of Vram at idle in OBS without streaming.
I want to thank you all for all your continued support and help with this!! Thank you guys! By the way still an issue all comments and suggestions welcome!


Active Member
This is the only file using hardware acceleration (VRAM), try disabling the acceleration or remove the file.

16:55:39.437: [Media Source 'test media']: settings:
16:55:39.437: input: E:/4STREAMING-pc/OBS Multi Installation/OBS-720-60fps/Video Templates/Free Magical Glowing Orb of Particles 4K Motion FX.mp4
16:55:39.437: input_format: (null)
16:55:39.437: speed: 40
16:55:39.437: is_looping: yes
16:55:39.437: is_linear_alpha: no
16:55:39.437: is_hw_decoding: yes
16:55:39.437: is_clear_on_media_end: yes
16:55:39.437: restart_on_activate: yes
16:55:39.437: close_when_inactive: no
16:55:39.437: full_decode: no
16:55:39.437: ffmpeg_options:

So I deleted Media Source "test media"

Current Log file:

It helped some I think.. But it wasn't a big hit.

I am seeing a Wave Trend now in the Vram side which is better than pinning it to the absolute max or close to it.

With OBS on*

With OBS off*

The above image really shows the amount OBS can eat up even at idle without the stream running.

By the way thank you so much!


Active Member
Using over half your VRAM when OBS is not even running. Seems high to me but I don't have that game to test.

My system is using 0.7GB of VRAM & when I fire up OBS it jumps to a whopping 0.8GB.

17:06:40.751: DShow: HDevice::ConnectPins: failed to connect pins (0x80040207): The owner SID on a per-user subscription doesn't exist
17:06:40.751: DShow: HDevice::ConnectPins: failed to connect pins (0x80040207): The owner SID on a per-user subscription doesn't exist
Using over half your VRAM when OBS is not even running. Seems high to me but I don't have that game to test.

My system is using 0.7GB of VRAM & when I fire up OBS it jumps to a whopping 0.8GB.

17:06:40.751: DShow: HDevice::ConnectPins: failed to connect pins (0x80040207): The owner SID on a per-user subscription doesn't exist
17:06:40.751: DShow: HDevice::ConnectPins: failed to connect pins (0x80040207): The owner SID on a per-user subscription doesn't exist
Tcknet is a camera I bought online from Amazon I won't do it again I will go back to Logitech I got burnt hard on this one it still works but throws errors sometimes doesn't work etc.
Please don't use this product it bites but here it is for research purposes for the Vram issues I am having.


Active Member
Just an FYI, all your browser sources are using VRAM too. Scenes are messy, there should only be (1) Display, Game or Window capture in each.

17:03:06.774: Browser Hardware Acceleration: true


Active Member
Your Acer is @ 50HZ, set it @ 60 so all of them are in sync.

I have the same Asus monitor (PG259), lots of testing @ 240HZ with 3 other monitors @ 60 with no issues.

17:03:07.106: name=G257HL
17:03:07.106: pos={1920, 0}
17:03:07.106: size={1920, 1080}
17:03:07.106: attached=true
17:03:07.106: refresh=50
Just an FYI, all your browser sources are using VRAM too. Scenes are messy, there should only be (1) Display, Game or Window capture in each.

17:03:06.774: Browser Hardware Acceleration: true
I am not sure what I can do about all that.. Again even stripped out everything and it Vram usage does seem higher.. What are you seeing with Vram?

Hmm.. It was set for 60 hz in the Nvidia control panel but backed out to Windows Settings and it was set at 50. I set the Windows refresh rate to 60hz this is interesting how Nvidia could say one thing but my Windows settings manager said another. Obviously OBS pointed it out which is interesting as well.


Active Member
I don't use browser sources with OBS & my set-up is simple so I never see much VRAM being used with OBS. 4 maybe 6GB tops, even when I'm running 4k.