New Member
I have used OBS since almost it's release and haven't had any problems with it that weren't either fixed with the next version or I was able to find some sort of solution either on these forums or elsewhere. I haven't streamed in a while due to just being busy (2-3 weeks) and I started my stream same setting as normal, changed the settings to conform to twitch's new settings so now my stream is categorized as "Excellent" but now my ping in game (League of Legends) is ~40 higher than normal. I'm normally 90-100 and now while I stream I'm 130-140 and at times into the 160s. As soon as I turn off the stream even if it's in the middle of a game my ping goes back down to normal. I have tried streaming to different servers, and some are better than others however none can get my ping below 130. If anyone knows a way to fix this that would be great since it makes it almost impossible to play and stream now due to the ping issue.