Question / Help VAC and Audio delay


New Member
Hey folk I'm pretty new to the world of streaming but I have a question for you.

I know this is not OBS related but I figured you guys would be able to help me.

So here's my problem...I want to exclude my voice/raidcall from stream since I speak french most of the time and my viewers are mostly english.

I followed a guide I found in here but the things is now I get sound delay with this tutorial.

PS. I bought VAC for this so maybe I should ask on their site idk...

Hope you guys can help me. I used this guide :

Tried with repeaters and with windows 7 listen thing


New Member
This is what you can try.


If you have a realtek integrated chip you will see that there is something in recording called stereo mix. This plays the sound from the integrated chip (ie what you have plugged into the green socket). If you have a headset with an integrated soundcard (not sure if this is needed) you can choose to use the "Stereo Mix" as output for obs in the audio settings and just set the normal mic as the communication device in skype/raidcall etc.

This is just a suggestion. I can't verify that this will work but it might. So doesn't hurt to try it out.

EDIT: Might be hard to get to get the other peoples sound off stream when I think about it. :/