Question / Help Using the Same Game with Game Capture twice?


New Member
How can I use Game Capture twice in the same Sence? I have triple monitors, and I would like to include all three monitors scaled down to fit on a 1080p format and then same the same game with only the middle monitor. So Top left would be the middle monitor vision of the game and the bottom half would be all three monitors. How can I do this?

By the way, I have already tried adding the game capture Sources twice and scaling it down, but one of them is always black. And switching between them works, but they cannot run at the same time.

CPU 2700k Overclocked to 4.5ghz
Nvidia GTX 690, GT 430, On-board Video
2x SSD Raid0
Win8 64bit
OBS 64bit
30megs down 5megs up

Desktop Resolution 5760x1080 [Plus two more 1080p monitors] [5x monitors in total//all 1080p]
Streaming Resolution 1920x1080 [streams only the game plus monitor]
Streaming Reduced to 720p
Stream FPS 30fps
Game: StarCraft 2 HoTS & Diablo 3
Stream Provider: Twitch
Extra: Image overlay, movie clips from Media Player Classic, Webcam


  • monitor.jpg
    179 KB · Views: 32


The Helping Squad
If your game has a borderless window mode you could use monitor capture for the triple view, and game capture for the big view of your game.
Game Capture introduces a "hook" to grab the footage of the game, if you try to add another hook, this wont work unfortunately in most cases.


Community Helper
It is better for Aero to be on in Windows 8. In fact, I don't think there is an easy way to turn it off. I don't even know that it's still called Aero in Win 8.