Bug Report Using Game Capture Option, won't run as admin?


New Member
When I go to use the game capture option, it keeps telling me that I need to run OBS in administrator mode to select the game. Thing is, I AM running it in administrator mode, it just won't allow me to select the game period. Game is Elsword, not that I expect you to know what it is.

I tried all methods of running as admin, but I keep getting "OBS needs to be in admin mode to run this program" Running on Windows 7.
-Right click, run as admin
-Right click, properties, check run as admin
-CTRL + Shift + enter on icon
None of them "ran" OBS in admin, or at least enough to capture the game.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Oh, I think I know what's going on, but I'm not sure what's causing that specific issue, if that makes sense. It cannot seem to "connect" with your game, so to speak. Not entirely sure why that would happen while running as admin though


New Member
It might be due to the fact it's a korean game? Or that is open after running a launcher and xtrap (xtrap disables my xsplit, and closes both the game and xsplit. That's why I was trying out OBS). No idea though :<


Forum Admin
Korean games, especially free ones, often use kernel mode rootkits as anti-cheating techniques. This also prevents OBS from being able to capture them.


Town drunk
You should be able to use software capture if you are able to run the game in some sort of window