Question / Help Using ElGato HD60 and HD60 Pro with OBS


New Member
So I have been trying to work this out for almost a week and I still can't get this to work. Here is what I'm trying to do:

I want to run my camcorder and my Xbox one at the same time so I can capture two videos at once. I have an HD60 Pro that has my camcorder running into it. Then I use the HD60 to capture my Xbox One. However, in OBS, my camcorder is the only video that gets picked up by my computer and I don't know what to do. Someone please help. I need this for my YouTube channel.



New Member
Also, for your purposes, it might be easier to buy a different capture card that does 2 or 4 HDMI imports. The four port ones run about $500 on Amazon, so about the same as two ElGatos. Ask the manufacturers on there whether it is compatible with OBS though, many aren't tested, but many are. They can look the same.