Question / Help using 100% CPU HELP!!


New Member
okay so my pc specs are as followed:
CPU: i5 6600k overclocked to 4.5GHz
GPU Geforce GTX 970
RAM: 16 Gskill
they are the basics and im using windows 10!

i have tested alot of settings and all have been using 100% as soon as i get in games, i have currently got it so its around 90%-100% still and i dont know why ill give you the basics of my stream settings!

x264 encoder
CBR enabled
max bitrate: 3500kb/s

downscale to 720p
filter: best detail
FPS: 30

use multithreaded is on
process class: Normal
CPU preset: very fast

these are my settings right now and it still goes to 100% sometimes so i have to enable vysnc in game which is a bummer.
sure something is wrong i thought i would be able to stream near 60fps and have a slower cpu preset is my pc just not good enough please help!!


Active Member
Its kind of supposed to use all your CPU, so that nothing is getting wasted.

What negative effects are you experiencing because of this? Lag in game? Stuttering in the stream?

Post your OBS log file from an attempted stream of at least five minutes of high action content (i.e. not just standing around).


New Member
Its kind of supposed to use all your CPU, so that nothing is getting wasted.

What negative effects are you experiencing because of this? Lag in game? Stuttering in the stream?

Post your OBS log file from an attempted stream of at least five minutes of high action content (i.e. not just standing around).
are you sure its meant to OBS keeps coming up with a warning sign about too much cpu use :/


Active Member
Post a logfile from a live streaming session at least five minutes in length. You can find these under the Help menu in OBS. We really do need them to be able to help, why it asks for one any time a new thread is opened in Q&H. :)


Active Member
23:32:04: Total frames encoded: 142901, total frames duplicated: 127 (0.09%) 23:32:04: Total frames rendered: 142801, number of late frames: 12 (0.01%) (it's okay for some frames to be late)

Stats look excellent. What kind of problem are you experiencing? You might be able to run Faster preset instead of Very Fast, if you want, just make sure the duplicated frames don't go higher than 1%.


New Member
Stats look excellent. What kind of problem are you experiencing? You might be able to run Faster preset instead of Very Fast, if you want, just make sure the duplicated frames don't go higher than 1%.
oh really, well the problem is that my cpu is going all the way above 90% alot of the time 100% i though my cpu could handle faster and very fast


Active Member
Its handling Very Fast without any problem anyways. I wouldn't worry about the percentages if your game isn't lagging out and the duplicated frames are as low as they are. The preset your computer can do depends on a lot of factors, including which game you're playing. So maybe it can do Fast for low-action games but only Very Fast for really high action games.