USB Capture Device Mono instead of multi-channel


New Member
Bei mir hat es mit "mono-zu stereo.exe" nur halb funktioniert. Ich erhalte nämlich Dual-Mono statt Stereo. Sollte es für diese Billigteile auch eine Möglichkeit geben auf 5.1-Multichannel zu patschen, wäre ich euch auf ewig dankbar! Wahrscheinlich muss ich doch das virtuelle Kabel ausprobieren, oder?
I am not sure what you mean by "dual-mono". Is it theoretically 2-channel 48kHz sound but it's 1 channel just copied into 2 channels? If yes, than maybe you have a different capture card and the program does not work for it :( I am not the author of the program so it's hard to tell for me. Maybe it's a matter of what your output device is (the program has a compatibility issues with non-standard output devices). You can try using Virtual Audio Cable (I'm using VoiceMeeter), maybe it'll help.


New Member
It works for me. The only drawback is that the software is sending the correct output to... a device, so in OBS I then need to record from Desktop sound in my case.

Is anybody aware of a "proper fix" so that the "USB input" outputs stereo sound?


New Member
It works for me. The only drawback is that the software is sending the correct output to... a device, so in OBS I then need to record from Desktop sound in my case.

Is anybody aware of a "proper fix" so that the "USB input" outputs stereo sound?
The first thing is a bit of a drawback, that's true, but again you can use a virtual audio cable to not bleed the sound into your desktop sound.

For a "proper fix", it probably not possible as this is most likely a firmware issue of these cheap capture cards. Someone might want to write a dedicated driver that does the splitting for you, but I guess you'd have to manually install this driver for this particular device.


New Member
The most effective solution is not to use the stereo audio inputs of the video capture card. Run the stereo audio from the machine (VHS recorder in my case) via the line-in on the PC soundcard or USB audio capture device.


New Member
Hi, I'm posting in hope to help someone to get stereo.
The latest mono-to-stereo has moved, it is here:

Mine is a USB 3 HDMI capture card, and it only worked in stereo with this 0.5i version

I got this hardware id:
