Usability for TV streamers can and must be improved – if OBS want that market!


New Member
Usability for TV streamers can and must be improved – if OBS want that market!
After several days of non stop testing and gradual translation from Xsplit to OBS for streaming IPTV signal for lots of viewers i have several things to notice which is rudimental and i hope so not so problematic to implement!
1. Scroll text must allow playing much more text (10.000 -15.000 characters) with recognizing ordinary text features like spaces and enter (new line) – Must play it all and not only first line of text
2. Video play list must have control buttons – start stop pause next previous plus must remember its position – when i have 50 hours of predefined program for streaming i want OBS remember my last playing position and start from that and not from the beginning! My TV station have 3 different part of program – Morning from 08 to 14, a full 14 to 20 and in the evening from 20 to 24 h – If every one of them have 50-60 hours of predefined program and it will be more and more that simply explain why OBS must remember play position
If this is implemented OBS will be very useful tool for small TV streaming stations
There is also several another one but not so important like this first 2 – I would really sincerely asked the development team to do these because this will really allow OBS can be usable for streaming of a TV! Now i am using 3 different windows application to fulfil OBS usability in classical TV work.... I hope so developer will solve one by one thing which will at the end believe me put OBS on a high level of applications which are usable for a TV streaming!
If you do that i will surely put OBS between partners like streaming solutions for everybody to know beside all other partners
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Deleted member 30350

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It's funny how you tell the developers what they must do.
You could also try learning some proper basic english. I originally thought you were selling viagra or cheap Rolex watches.

P.S. Several days of nonstop testing? LOL. The amusement factor of this post is extremely high.


New Member
Very simple explanations and understandable also - Who don’t understand, i am sorry! Try to buy Viagra on some other places - not here :)
I have almost 40 years and i am on different kind of forums, blog and social networks since 1991 (irc and BBS) – I will not pay attention on your provocation because if you have anything good to write on this post you will be do that till now but ....
1. Must be done if OBS want that market! Those are suggestions with explanations what that must be done if OBS want to cover even part of that industry - If developers want to do that than this is line where they must go - very simple! I am in that business – If developers want to improve something those are guidelines for future work – If anybody from developers thinks how OBS can be better and earn some support than allowing people from industry to use this will maybe path to that!
2. Several days of non stop testing mean in i use it in production on my own risk - If somebody is in business than this mean he knows what is needed to test and how to do that - I test Xsplit 10 months - now i see some features in OBS which are by mine opinion very good - better than in Xsplit - I have use even much expensive equipment in production for different TV till now – At the moment i Chief Editor and journalist on one public media with 80.000 people (readers and future viewers) – Think that’s is good enough to point that i know my job and here i am spending my time to point some things which can be done much better – Because of that i am pointing this to developers – If others do not appreciate this contribution in terms of vocational pointing to the guidelines then hope that they engaged in development to understand what I'm saying - It certainly is not about Viagra ...
Thanks in advance to developers on future answer
Ps – Like an journalist i hope so that this i not an official attitude of developers to speak with people like this – If that is not an case than i think it will be better in future because if anybody (who ever) have behavior like this and attack people without any reason trying to be smart than this will be very bad for OBS in future – People read this – journalist and experts also – me included – Maybe my native language is not English but provocation like this are really bad and don’t get anything god for forum and for people who is behind OBS – I hope that this is rare and surely not an rule for behaving to all people!
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New Member
I have tried again and again to find a way to understand limitation for text in case of number of characters (scroll) with some success....
I noticed that number of characters which can be showed in text scroll depends from font size!
In testing i have use txt file with numbers from 1 till 10000 with coma btw – something like this
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
I have add attachment of that file for testing purposes for everybody else to try the same if want to help – Who knows – maybe deferent setup will get different results but even that will be good to know!
My results till now!
I can see 614 numbers for font size 8, 540 numbers when font size is 10, 370 numbers for font size 15
When i see 540 numbers on scrolling text that is around 2500 characters, for 614 numbers i can see 2961 character but letters are very bad to read!
I must correct myself because that number of 2048 which i mentioned in my previous post is not connected with number of characters but with size of that text area....
Because this testing can be boring, when i test anything i am doing that by incising the speed – for instance 20 is in speed but adding one zero scroll become 10x faster – when i see lover numbers i remove last zero with backspace :) and read results ... Just in case anybody else want to check this!
I am using read from file option and text is in one continued line – I hope se that with improvements for this feature will come also possibility to read several lines and not only first – enter (break or new line) must be recognized for reading and showing text in OBS
Whatever - I can’t understand what limitation here is – but if it is easy to change i will gladly do that -


  • brojevi.txt
    57.5 KB · Views: 25


Community Helper
I believe the limitation has to do with texture size, though I'm not the expert. Homeworld would know. I think the Multiplatform version does it differently and might support more text, though I can't be sure.