Question / Help Upscaling to 1920x1080?


New Member

I was watching a few Streamers that play CSGO on lower resolutions like 1024x769, I also do play on a lower Res to up my monitor Hertz. Saw Moe the Streamer saying that he upscales his gameplay from 1024 to 1920, was wondering how this is done as would like to get some CS gameplay but can't get back use to Native! Any help would be amazing!




Active Member
1024x768 is not a resolution you want to scale up to 1920x1080. The aspect ratios are different and it causes picture distortion.


New Member
1024x768 is not a resolution you want to scale up to 1920x1080. The aspect ratios are different and it causes picture distortion.
What would you recommend scaling to? I perform a LOT better on 1024 with the extra hertz so don't really want to sacrifice my ability, but at the same time want average looking footage. I know the scale will effect the footage's quality, but I don't wanna fall back to silver LOL.

Cheers for the reply :)


Active Member
If you're going to stream to a 16:9 aspect ratio workspace while playing at 4:3, the best option is to fill the black space on the sides with overlay stuff.