Question / Help Upload speed issues.


New Member
So lately i've been streaming Super Smash Bros. Melee and it goes well until it randomly cuts to 0Kbps and says "Reconnecting..." Every time i do a test, whether on Speedtest or any other sites i could find, they would all show I have sufficient upload speed to stream. When I have viewers in the chat talking to me, I have to make some lame excuse as to why my stream died.
I've even gone as far to check my upload speed immediately after the stream dies, and periodically throughout my stream. All of which show I have good enough speed to stream. By "Good enough" I don't mean I have 0.5 Mbps either, I mean I've seen a speedtest showing i had 10 Mbps upload speed and I'd stream at 1 Mbps just to see how it goes and it still dies. No matter what i've done in the past to try to fix it nothing ever works.
I've tried using different presets, even using the NVIDIA video encoder as well as the x264, with the NVIDIA encoder I don't get frame drops, but the upload "Reconnecting" crap still remains. I've allowed OBS through the firewall, I have opened a port in my router settings described in another forum, but nothing seems to be working.

Here is my log file.

Sorry the log was too large and wouldn't allow me to post the thread.


New Member
I've tried on and it had an even worse time.
I've tried everything on that sticky forum. Nothing has worked. I have tested my upload speed numerous times throughout and all of which were 3.6 - 3.8 consistently throughout. No throttle or anything in the household as everyone is asleep. I don't understand.