Question / Help Upload Problem;(


New Member
today i got my new VDSL 50. I have an 9Mb upload but in obs i have only 700kb -900kb.
So Guys i don´t know why obs dosen´t use the full Bandwith.
Hope you can help my.




AMD FX- 4100
16GB Ram
Geforce 560 GTX-ti


OBS will use the bitrate you specify, provided you are using CBR encoding.
Don't go too high with the bitrate, you'll limit the amount of people capable of watching your stream


Community Helper
You aren't going to want to use your full upload speed when streaming. You probably don't want to go over 3000 or 3500 kbps if your stream isn't going to be transcoded on the other side, and probably not above 2000kbps honestly.

If you're using VBR, then x264 will only use as much bandwidth as it needs to meet your quality settings. If you use CBR, x264 will try to stay around your target bit rate no matter what, even if it doesn't "need" to use that much.

You can edit your bit rate settings int he Encoding tab of OBS settings.


New Member
Yeah i know that.

but with 9mb upload and use an 2500 Bitrate. This is not rly enough to utilization my Internet Upload.


Community Helper
So you're saying you set your bit rate at 2500kbps but it's only using 700kbps? That's probably because you aren't using CBR.

Can you post your log?

Your internet connection speed has nothing to do with how much data x264 allocates toward the video. It has everything to do with your encoding settings. (However, you will want to keep your internet connection speed in mind when telling the encoder how much data it should use so that it doesn't overload your connection, causing dropped frames.)


New Member
My big problem is why does obs not use my bandwidth I have availible. Of course i use only 2-3mb upload then, that´s normal. But it´s a huge difference between 700kb and 2/2,5 Mb. In my Streaming preview i had 2,2mb -2,8mb but after Starting my Stream Drop Frames and a red bar with 6-700kbs .




Obviously a log as Dodgepong said would be a great start, some things which can cause a slower connection:

Incorrect Twitch Server (use one with the lowest ping)
Wired Connection (wireless is pretty unreliable)
Check your CPU Usage to make sure its not overloading

A log will get the pros all here and tell you whats up :)