Upgraded to OBS 30.1.2, Streamdeck No Longer Works with It!

Mark Weiss

I KNEW I should have left well enough alone, but I stupidly hit the upgrade button on OBS and upgraded to the latest.

Now my Elgato Streamdeck no longer controls OBS. I get a yellow triangle with "!" in it instead of the commands going to OBS.

I opened the Streamdeck app and it says "waiting for OBS".

I was contemplating upgrading Streamdeck, but the last time I did it, it screwed up my system to the point where I had to revert to the last hard drive image backup. Upgrade caused all my buttons to turn into yellow triangles and lost the programming and custom buttons. Don't want to risk that again. If there's no simple fix, I'll just roll back to v 29.