For the past while, I have occasionally noticed an issue in my recordings where only part of the next frame is captured, creating some unusual screen tearing.

This only happens when using Game Capture, and seems to happen regardless of encoding settings as long as the recording is at least 60fps (I've never seen it happen at 30fps). In certain games I'm only able to reproduce it If I increase the graphics settings in the game. It may not necessarily be related to GPU load however. Forza Horizon 4 Demo appears to 'flicker' in OBS (but not in game) when on the main menu until you disable VSync.
In Overwatch it can happen for no real reason... as far as I can tell. I can easily achieve a stable 60fps with 50% GPU load and plenty of room to spare, and occasionally a frame will be partially captured.
There are plenty of ways to work around this in the mean time (display capture, lower graphics) though I'm interested in finding out what exactly the cause might be, or any other potential workarounds.

This only happens when using Game Capture, and seems to happen regardless of encoding settings as long as the recording is at least 60fps (I've never seen it happen at 30fps). In certain games I'm only able to reproduce it If I increase the graphics settings in the game. It may not necessarily be related to GPU load however. Forza Horizon 4 Demo appears to 'flicker' in OBS (but not in game) when on the main menu until you disable VSync.
In Overwatch it can happen for no real reason... as far as I can tell. I can easily achieve a stable 60fps with 50% GPU load and plenty of room to spare, and occasionally a frame will be partially captured.
There are plenty of ways to work around this in the mean time (display capture, lower graphics) though I'm interested in finding out what exactly the cause might be, or any other potential workarounds.