Bug Report Unusual Stream Issue / Best OBS Settings?


New Member
Here is my build.

OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
CPU: Intel Core i5 3570k @ 3.4Ghz
MOBO: Gigabyte Z77M-D3H-MVP
GPU: Nvidia GTS 250
DISPLAY RES: 1600 x 900

Internet Speed: 20+ Down / 7 Up (http://www.speedtest.net/result/2851432212.png)

I have been doing my research about what are the minimum streaming requirements for awhile now and I am confident that my hardware and internet is capable of streaming at least 720p smoothly with no problems. I use OBS and have used the recommended settings from their estimator.

PROBLEM: I stream League of Legends and whenever I do so, a few minutes in I freeze, cannot attack minions and skills do not work. Seconds later I receive a "Attempting to Reconnect". This is odd because my computer and other computers in the house still says they have internet connection when they really don't. At this stage I must restart my Bell Connection Hub before I can reconnect successfully.

Much help would be appreciated if someone could please help me out with this situation. My parents have recently upgraded our internet, as well as bought a new CPU and MOBO in order for me to stream well. It would be very disappointing if none of their efforts were put to use. Any response would be much appreciated. Please and thank you!


A couple of things:
  • Post a log file of a session that misbehaved like that, here is how to post a log file -- viewtopic.php?f=5&t=97
  • Whereas SpeedTest has its place and validity, it is not the ideal test for streaming purposes. A more accurate test for streaming purposes is the upload test at TestMy.net -- http://testmy.net/upload -- Run the SmarTest, be sure to pick a server near you or near the Twitch server you were streaming to. Ideally you'll want both to be as near to you as possible.
I am going to assume it is a bandwidth/network issue. LoL supposedly is a bit of a bandwidth hog and you may have to adjust your OBS settings to allow LoL some more breathing room. But, we'll see once you've done both things I suggested.


New Member
09:58:23: Open Broadcaster Software v0.542b - 32bit (´・ω・`)
09:58:23: -------------------------------
09:58:23: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz
09:58:23: CPU Speed: 3403MHz
09:58:23: Physical Memory:  4055MB Total, 2379MB Free
09:58:23: stepping id: 9, model 10, family 6, type 0, extmodel 1, extfamily 0, HTT 1, logical cores 4, total cores 4
09:58:23: monitor 1: pos={1360, -132}, size={1600, 900}
09:58:23: monitor 2: pos={0, 0}, size={1360, 768}
09:58:23: Windows Version: 6.1 Build 7601 S
09:58:23: Aero is Disabled
09:58:23: -------------------------------
09:58:23: OBS Modules:
09:58:23: Base Address     Module
09:58:23: 00060000         OBS.exe
09:58:23: 70CD0000         OBSApi.dll
09:58:23: 72A10000         DShowPlugin.dll
09:58:23: 729F0000         GraphicsCapture.dll
09:58:23: 729D0000         NoiseGate.dll
09:58:23: 729B0000         PSVPlugin.dll
09:58:23: ------------------------------------------
09:58:23: Adapter 1
09:58:23:   Video Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250
09:58:23:   Video Adapter Dedicated Video Memory: 519634944
09:58:23:   Video Adapter Shared System Memory: 1857662976
09:58:23: =====Stream Start: 2013-07-22, 09:58:23===============================================
09:58:23:   Multithreaded optimizations: On
09:58:23:   Base resolution: 1600x900
09:58:23:   Output resolution: 1280x720
09:58:23: ------------------------------------------
09:58:23: Loading up D3D10...
09:58:23: Playback device Default
09:58:23: ------------------------------------------
09:58:23: Using desktop audio input: Speakers (VIA High Definition Audio)
09:58:23: ------------------------------------------
09:58:23: Using auxilary audio input: Microphone (Webcam C160)
09:58:23: ------------------------------------------
09:58:23: Audio Encoding: AAC
09:58:23:     bitrate: 160
09:58:23: Using graphics capture
09:58:23: ------------------------------------------
09:58:23: Video Encoding: x264
09:58:23:     fps: 30
09:58:23:     width: 1280, height: 720
09:58:23:     preset: veryfast
09:58:23:     CBR: no
09:58:23:     CFR: no
09:58:23:     max bitrate: 4000
09:58:23:     buffer size: 4000
09:58:23:     quality: 10
09:58:23: ------------------------------------------
09:58:25: Using RTMP service: Twitch / Justin.tv
09:58:25:   Server selection: rtmp://live-ord.justin.tv/app
09:58:26: SO_SNDBUF was at 8192
09:58:26: SO_SNDBUF is now 65536
09:58:30: Using graphics capture
09:58:30: SharedTexCapture hooked
09:58:40: Using Monitor Capture
Warning -- Capture BitBlt failed..  just so you know
10:16:56: RTMPPublisher::SocketLoop: Socket error, send() returned -1, GetLastError() 10054
10:16:56: Total frames rendered: 33324, number of frames that lagged: 44 (0.13%) (it's okay for some frames to lag)
10:16:56: okay, this is strange
10:16:56: librtmp error: WriteN, RTMP send error 10054 (79 bytes)
10:16:56: librtmp error: WriteN, RTMP send error 10038 (42 bytes)
10:16:56: Number of times waited to send: 2, Waited for a total of 3962 bytes
10:16:56: Number of b-frames dropped: 27 (0.081%), Number of p-frames dropped: 29 (0.087%), Total 56 (0.17%)
10:16:56: =====Stream End: 2013-07-22, 10:16:56=================================================
10:17:06: Profiler results:
10:17:06: ==============================================================
10:17:06: frame - [100%] [avg time: 16.794 ms (cpu time: avg 9.444 ms, total 314716 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 1] [children: 100%] [unaccounted: 0.0417%]
10:17:06: | frame preprocessing and rendering - [52.3%] [avg time: 8.789 ms (cpu time: avg 5.553 ms, total 185048 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 1] [children: 49.8%] [unaccounted: 2.56%]
10:17:06: | | scene->Preprocess - [49.8%] [avg time: 8.359 ms (cpu time: avg 5.158 ms, total 171897 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 1]
10:17:06: | video encoding and uploading - [47.6%] [avg time: 7.998 ms (cpu time: avg 3.886 ms, total 129528 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 1] [children: 47.5%] [unaccounted: 0.137%]
10:17:06: | | flush - [0.703%] [avg time: 0.118 ms (cpu time: avg 0.11 ms, total 3697.22 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 1]
10:17:06: | | CopyResource - [36.5%] [avg time: 6.131 ms (cpu time: avg 2.179 ms, total 72618.5 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 0]
10:17:06: | | conversion to 4:2:0 - [0.238%] [avg time: 0.04 ms (cpu time: avg 0.003 ms, total 109.201 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 0]
10:17:06: | | call to encoder - [9.88%] [avg time: 1.66 ms (cpu time: avg 1.563 ms, total 52088.7 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 0]
10:17:06: | | sending stuff out - [0.155%] [avg time: 0.026 ms (cpu time: avg 0.017 ms, total 592.804 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 0]
10:17:06: | Convert444Threads - [397%] [avg time: 66.755 ms (cpu time: avg 2.078 ms, total 69264.4 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 1]
10:17:06: ==============================================================

This is the most recent one I just did. Here is my Upload Test :
I hope this helps!


  • Change your encode settings to CBR 2750 (should be more than sufficient for LoL).
  • Confirm your timezone in your Twitch account and make sure to stream to a server in that same timezone.
  • Reset your stream key on Twitch (Dashboard > Streaming Apps > Show Key > Reset Key) and obviously enter that new key into OBS.


New Member

I did as you suggested. The stream still did the same thing.

BUT I did change it to 2000 and Quality 6. It was much smoother and I was able to stream for about 2 games with each of them having "Attempting to reconnect" for 30 sec or so and then it reconnects without me having to reset the internet. I guess the situation has become much better. I am testing out 1700 atm and I hope this solves the issue. Any other thoughts and suggestions on why this might be the case?


Forum Admin
This unfortunately sounds like your router is failing under the load of streaming.