Question / Help Unstable FPS


Hey Guys. I'm having the problem that if i stream at 1280x720 @ 40 fps that the fps are sometimes going below 30 which lags on the stream quite hard. I already set obs.exe to higher priority in Taskmanager and also in OBS. My Cpu is at like 70% usage while im streaming and playing so I doubt its about that.

Anyway of fixing this or should i just wait till CFR is working well

Using v.0467a(test2) (Always had this problem)


Thanks for help


Town drunk
You could maybe try the latest test version(test 11). It's quite a bit more stable than the earlier ones.

Are you talking about in game frame rate drops or frame rate drops on stream? I'm not really seeing enough lagged/dropped frames to account for major issues on the streaming end.


There is no point trying to stream at 40fps when you drop below 30.
Try setting your stream to 30fps and see if the game runs better.


I'm talking about that the fps i can see on my second monitor in OBS is sometimes going to near 30 for some reason which causes the stream to always lag a bit which is kinda annyiong.

@ Grimio it happens at 20 aswell just falls down to 15 sometimes and causes lag.

I'm not having any lag ingame.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
CFR doesn't function that way, it has nothing to do with capture FPS, it only causes the output to the stream to always be a constant FPS rate, if his FPS is lower it will simply duplicate frames in order to achieve that.

If anything is causing high CPU usage it's probably the 7.1 sound. It has to downmix all the channels and then has to resample it. It's currently the only unoptimized part of the application. If you want sound to use as little CPU as possible you need to switch to plain stereo at 44100hz to prevent downmixing and resampling