Bug Report UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: 80000003


New Member
I was trying to stream my Heroes of the storm game using window capture and as I hit start stream, nothing happened, hit end stream, OBS crashes.

OBS has encountered an unhandled exception and has terminated. If you are able to
reproduce this crash, please submit this crash report on the forums at
http://www.obsproject.com/ - include the contents of this crash log and the
minidump .dmp file (if available) as well as your regular OBS log files and
a description of what you were doing at the time of the crash.

This crash appears to have occured in the 'c:\windows\syswow64\kernelbase.dll' module.

Fault address: 74EB3226 (c:\windows\syswow64\kernelbase.dll)
OBS version: Open Broadcaster Software v0.651b
Windows version: 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2300 CPU @ 2.80GHz

Crashing thread stack trace:
Stack EIP Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Address
0031F2A0 74EB3226 00000394 00007532 00001397 000D043C kernelbase.dll!0x74eb3226
0031F2B0 01348F9A 00000000 00000000 75846FB6 0031F42C obs.exe!OBS::Stop+0x19a
0031F2FC 013466B7 00000000 0136E7F0 001404B6 00000111 obs.exe!OBS::ToggleCapturing+0x37
0031F310 0136F579 0031F438 0031F458 758362FA 001404B6 obs.exe!OBS::OBSProc+0xd89
0031F428 7736013A 00000000 0031F51C 00000001 00000000 ntdll.dll!0x7736013a
0031F4A4 75836CE9 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 user32.dll!0x75836ce9

Video thread stack trace:
Stack EIP Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Address
1559F880 75455F3E 9D010E74 00000000 00000000 000006F6 gdi32.dll!0x75455f3e
1559F8CC 01325F65 004F0000 6FBAC8F0 0134DFB8 00000000 obs.exe!DesktopImageSource::Preprocess+0x245
1559FB84 6FBA5908 00000000 00000000 003B0744 01010001 obsapi.dll!Scene::Preprocess+0x28
1559FB90 0134DFB8 7571337A 00000000 1559FF14 773892E2 obs.exe!OBS::MainCaptureLoop+0xaf8
1559FECC 0134BDF5 00000000 1559FF14 773892E2 00000000 obs.exe!OBS::MainCaptureThread+0x5
1559FED0 7571337A 00000000 6205D536 00000000 00000000 kernel32.dll!0x7571337a
1559FEDC 773892E2 0134BDF0 00000000 00000000 00000000 ntdll.dll!0x773892e2
1559FF1C 773892B5 0134BDF0 00000000 00000000 00000000 ntdll.dll!0x773892b5

A minidump was saved to C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\OBS\crashDumps\OBSCrashDump2015-05-25_1.dmp.
Please include this file when posting a crash report.

List of loaded modules:
Base Address Module


  • OBSCrashDump2015-05-25_1.dmp
    396.9 KB · Views: 31