Bug Report unable to detect


New Member
http://i.imgur.com/czgDYIN.jpg it works for every game except this...

what could the problem be? It simply doesn't detect it I tried switching it, opening in admin . . . Don't have that problem with other games though

I have : window 7 32 bits (dual boot )
- Two radeon HD 4800 in crossfire with lastest update


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Seems like a korean game. They have crazy anti-hack measures, and may be blocking game capture


Town drunk
If you don't mind playing in windowed mode, or if the game has some sort of Fullscreen Windowed mode, then you should be able to use Window Capture. Enable Aero and it will be just as fast as Game Capture, without any of the hassle. With Aero enabled, the stream will only see the window you have selected, so no need to worry about showing private info.