UI Suggestion about Sources


New Member
First off, cool software...free...thank you thank you thank you! This is merely a suggestion from a useability standpoint. I consider myself an advanced computer user, software is rarely a challenge for me, and I am pretty patient when it comes to learning it.

The Sources part of the UI was not clear to me and I spent a good deal of effort looking for an answer to my problem. I added a source, got a black screen and thought it was odd that source never showed in the list of sources, just the global list. I found a post that explained that they are not the same. I right clicked on the sources frame next to the Scene frame, got a pop up, entered my source and problem solved.

For the end user, there should to be some clue that the source needs to be added here and that the global sources are not the same thing. The only indication I saw was the global sources button. I think it would make the setup more intuitive if you had a tip or plus button or another way to indicate that the user needs to setup the source in this frame, and some explanation on the global sources screen that an additional step will be needed to add the global source to the scene.

There is probably a post or quick start guide that I failed to read and would expect that many impatient users will jump in and just start clicking like me! I would be good to go with the options I browsed through if I could have figured this one thing out.

Just a suggestion and thanks again for making cool software and keeping it open source!


Community Helper
The UI is getting a revamp as part of the rewrite. The Sources box has been the source of confusion for a lot of people, so you're not alone.


Town drunk
The software is currently undergoing a major rewrite. One of the focuses for the new code base is definitely UI improvements. In fact, it will likely be that implementing your own UI will be relatively easy moving forward.