Question / Help Typing in stream chat while playing full screen


New Member
Hello fellow streamers!

I have started streaming frequently since some weeks now and i was asking myself: is there any program which lets me chat in my own stream chat without having to alt+tab i do have duo monitors so i can read everything but responding is just a pain in the ass sometimes. (especially while playing LoL ranked games).
I hope someone can help me !

Greetings Jeroen5356


Community Helper
If you run the game in Windowed Borderless mode, that will make alt-tabbing a lot more painless.


Community Helper
It's just a suggestion. I don't know of any other tools that let you access IRC from within LoL, for example. If anyone else out there has ideas, I'd be interested to hear. But from my knowledge, running the game in Windowed or Borderless mode is the best way to be able to type to people in chat while streaming.

Or get a mic and talk to them without needing to type in chat. :P


New Member
dodgepong said it all, there is no other easy way. If your not gonna talk or use another computer/device, have the game on windowed mode! Most of streamers do that =)


Active Member
Borderless Windowed mode (if your game does it well) is a great option. If you have a laptop or second system though, that's what I'd use; also will allow you to more accurately watch your stream without causing issues (lagged frames, dropped frames) due to the additional resources needed.
I used my laptop before I got my second monitor, the laptop was good but so old and couldn't handle the streaming so it was all laggy and unwatchable so couldn't keep track of the stream if it was laggy for sure or not.
And having another monitor is so sweet, my best purchase this year, and I've upgraded my computer pretty much so far :P
Just run in windowed and tab out easy.