Question / Help Twitch's New Settings And Me...


New Member
Hello everyone!

So, I've changed my Twitch setting to follow their new guidelines, and managed to get Excellent ratings in my dashboard. HOWEVER, frequently it will say "Your Stream Is Not Set To CBR."

Well, I have CBR enabled, w/ a bitrate of 2000 and I even put in the custom cbr=true parameter for the 264 encoder.

Any clues as to what I have to do?


Community Helper
Do you have a custom buffer set? Or is it the same as your bit rate?

Twitch's detector isn't the best, and will sometimes detect CBR as VBR sometimes still. :/


Town drunk
That, and it's highly likely their dumb keyframe setting "recommendation" is throwing everything off.


New Member
I do have a 2x buffer if that is any reason.

But yeah, I'd assume Twitch needs to work on things like that still..


Thanks all!


To get an Excellent rating:
  • Enable CBR
  • Enable CBR Padding
  • Enable CFR
  • Keyframe Interval: 2 seconds
Custom Buffer Size should not affect it. I use a custom buffer size as well and have no issue getting an Excellent rating as long as I follow the 4 requirements I just listed.

However, a very large custom buffer size will make your bitrate more variable and as a result may confuse Twitch. So, try it without a Custom Buffer Size. Or with one that is actually lower than your bitrate.


New Member
Gotcha guys, thanks.

I just experience that bit of pixelation here and there.

I'm sure Kharay is getting sick of me saying that, but.. xD


Well... let's just say... I have seen you say that before indeed. ;) And, as I have told you before -- Minecraft (if that still is your prefered title) is somewhat challenging (ie: nigh impossible) to stream without any notable loss of quality. And, look at the bigger Minecraft streams, Nadeshot, Bigtymer, etc, etc, etc. ... Their quality is... well... watchable but nothing to really write home about. Still, they get thousands of viewers.

Ignore the pixelation, it's Minecraft. It's supposed to look pixelated! :P