Question / Help Twitch TV IRC Chat overlay


New Member

I have written a IRC chat overlay that works in xsplit.

It functions by running a python script on hexchat IRC client that sends user written IRC strings to a socket running on Actionscript in Adobe Flash. The adobe flash document (.swf) runs as an overlay on xsplit.

Unfortunately OBS doesn't support .swf files as far as I can see. Are there any plans to add a SWF file interpreter to OBS? I saw this mentioned a year ago but haven't seen any movement on it.



Forum Admin
Please read the rules of a forum before you post there.

This forum is for completed plugins only, any threads here that are not for a finished plugin will be deleted. If you require help or are having problems with a plugin, post in that plugins thread, do not create a help thread.

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Moved to Questions and Help.


Active Member
Also, there's an easier way.

1) Run Chrome.
2) Install Stylish.
3) Install the - Dark/Black theme. Configure it with Separate Chat: NO (or it will alternate line background colors)
4) Pop out chat.
5) Window Capture. Inner Window, sub-region. Adjust to cover the chat area. OK.
6) Start the preview, open the chatbox properties, enable Chromakey. Select an empty part of the background of the popped-out chat. OK.

Boom, done, easy-peasy Mr. Squeezy. Keeps all the faces/emotes intact and chatname colors as well (consider using the 'block Turbo colors' option when installing the theme, to prevent the black-name-on-black-background issue). Only problem is that the hair on MVGame and the hat on DapperKapper and MdKaP disappear.


New Member
FerretBomb said:
Also, there's an easier way.

1) Run Chrome.
2) Install Stylish.
3) Install the - Dark/Black theme. Configure it with Separate Chat: NO (or it will alternate line background colors)
4) Pop out chat.
5) Window Capture. Inner Window, sub-region. Adjust to cover the chat area. OK.
6) Start the preview, open the chatbox properties, enable Chromakey. Select an empty part of the background of the popped-out chat. OK.

Boom, done, easy-peasy Mr. Squeezy. Keeps all the faces/emotes intact and chatname colors as well (consider using the 'block Turbo colors' option when installing the theme, to prevent the black-name-on-black-background issue). Only problem is that the hair on MVGame and the hat on DapperKapper and MdKaP disappear.

This post is 3 months old, but it really helped. Thank you so much! I've been frustrated, hair-pulling-ly frustrated, until I came upon this. Thank you, thank you, etc etc ad-infinitum.