Question / Help Twitch thinks I'm still logged in when I stop streaming and start again

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New Member
First off, I'm using OBS Multiplatform 0.8.2 to stream on Twitch. When I first click the "Start Streaming" button, everything works perfectly fine. If I click "Stop Streaming" and then try to start again, though, I get the following error dialog box:

Could not access the specified channel or stream key. This could be because the key/channel is invalid, or because the server still thinks you are logged in.​

Here's a log file which shows me getting the error a few times:

The (I think) relevant portion of the log is this:

11:49:05: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Connecting to RTMP URL rtmp://
11:49:05: RTMPSockBuf_Fill, remote host closed connection
11:49:05: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Connection to rtmp:// failed: -3

Version 0.8.1 had this issue as well but I don't ever remember seeing it in 0.6.4. Is it possible that 0.8.x isn't properly deauthenticating from the Twitch server when it stops streaming?

The only way I've found to "fix" this is to wait for N minutes/hours/whatever and, eventually, Twitch will decide I'm no longer authenticated. I've tried resetting my stream key, switching Twitch servers, and rebooting my computer, all to no avail.
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New Member
As a quick update, I switched from wireless to wired and I'm still able to reproduce the issue. Additionally, I tried downgrading from 0.8.2 to 0.6.4 and I no longer get that error.

Please let me know if there's anything else I can add to help!


New Member
Running into the same issue with 0.8.2 studio on win 7.1. Was able to stream a couple of times last night and then received constant failure. After some digging, I found the following thread on twitch without a resolution:

Checked the thread jpnance linked and have already waited the 15 minute timeout. I've even created a second twitch account to test and received the same error.

Here's the segments the log that related to streaming and the error:

16:45:32: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Connecting to RTMP URL rtmp://
16:45:42: service 'default_service' (rtmp_common) created
16:45:42: service 'default_service' destroyed
16:46:03: RTMPSockBuf_Fill, remote host closed connection
16:46:03: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Connection to rtmp:// failed: -3


I attempted to stream from my PS4 using my account and it worked fine. Thinking that might have reset the situation, I attempted to stream through 0.8.2 and received the same error.

So I launched OBS 0.6.4, set up a scene and was able to stream. Double checking 0.8.2 to make sure I still was getting the issue and I'm now able to stream.

I'm not sure WTF is going on, but I'll be happy to post any diagnostic info or whatever details are needed to follow up on this.

Update 2

Stopped the stream and restarted with the same issue. So I figured I'd wait the 15 minutes and see if the session timed out before I try again. So I did some digging into the forums and found this issue:

Which suggested that it might be related to Advanced settings for the Output. Changed mine to Simple and tested. Streaming worked. So I figured great, stopped the stream and set a couple of things up. Click on start streaming and same logged in error.

Not sure WTF to do now, I decided to see what would happen if I set the Output main setting to Advanced again. And it worked. For one time. Same error.

So after repeated testing, it appears that the workaround is the following:

- Start Stream.
- If you get the error, navigate to Settings -> Output.
- If it's set to Advanced, switch it to Simple. If it's set to Simple, set it to Advanced.

Annoying, but at least there is a workaround. I'll file a bug on this when I have a bit more time and I'll link it here.
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