Question / Help Twitch Streaming Through OBS


New Member
Hey guys!
Before i say anything here are my PC stats as this might come in handy:
CPU: I5 6600K (3.50Ghz if not overclocked)
GPU: GTX 980 Ti
RAM: 16GB (2X8GB) 2400Mhz
PSU:1000 Watt (cooling etc)
tones of hdd etc.

Now, onto the question,
I was testing out streaming Counter Strike, And my ping jumped from 30ms to like 700ms!
I know my PC should be able to stream, but it's probably my internet?

My max bitrate is 3000 (I can change any of these settings if needed)
I tried streaming at 30-40 FPS
I tried to minimize the amount of impact uploading the stream had etc, but still no good results.
(Recording is fine, however when i stream my ping dies)

Is it my internet? ( I am using wifi at the moment, i will be getting Ethernet later)
*My download speed is 18-25mbps (According to speedtest changes each time i run the test)
*My upload speed is also pretty bad, what should i do to fix this?* (0.44!!!)
Any ways? Get a better router (Using the default router the provider gave us)? Change internet providers? (Really dont want too D: )
Or should i change to ethernet asap?
Sorry if some of this doesn't make sense, im decent with PCs but not internet issues etc.
Thank you! I need a respond/solution!


Active Member
Short version? You NEED a better internet connection, full stop. A higher speed upstream package. Right now, that 0.44mbps means you have 440kbps. You have it configured to use 3000. That's... a problem. Not going to work. You're trying to shove a golf ball through a coffee stirrer. You can't do anything with that little upload speed, aside from record locally and upload videos to YouTube. Plus, your game needs to share that bandwidth too.

Aim for at least 5mbps upstream on your new ISP package. Yes, you NEED to change to a faster tier, or switch ISPs if your current one does not provide a faster speed package.

After you do that: 720p@30fps, 2000kbps, x264 Veryfast or lower.
Don't stream over Wifi. It's meant to replace a cable, and can cause significant problems when streaming.


New Member
Short version? You NEED a better internet connection, full stop. A higher speed upstream package. Right now, that 0.44mbps means you have 440kbps. You have it configured to use 3000. That's... a problem. Not going to work. You're trying to shove a golf ball through a coffee stirrer. You can't do anything with that little upload speed, aside from record locally and upload videos to YouTube. Plus, your game needs to share that bandwidth too.

Aim for at least 5mbps upstream on your new ISP package. Yes, you NEED to change to a faster tier, or switch ISPs if your current one does not provide a faster speed package.

After you do that: 720p@30fps, 2000kbps, x264 Veryfast or lower.
Don't stream over Wifi. It's meant to replace a cable, and can cause significant problems when streaming.

Thank you! I will fix it ASAP! Any recommended Internet Providers etc? What package should i choose etc? Do I just choose the faster more efficient one?