Question / Help [Twitch] Stream Settings Help | Black Bars


New Member
Hey, I can't seem to stream with the full screen output on Twitch or any other stream website for that matter. - Skip to about 20 minutes.

As you can see there are black bars on either side, I can't seem to fix it no matter what I try. My monitor is 1920x1080 and I am downsizing to 1.50 (1280x720). So I don't understand how there can be black bars when it should output to 16:9.

Also, Game Capture doesn't seem to work with the RS client. So I am using Software capture for the source and selecting a sub-region consisting of the RuneScape client.



Community Helper
They are stretching out the game to a warped aspect ratio making it look smooshed and bad. Don't be that guy.

But if you really must, you can Shift+Drag a source in edit mode to ignore aspect ratio.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
The game is simply not playing in 16:9. You just have to set your game to a 16:9 resolution. If the game does not provide a 16:9 resolution then you'll either have to stretch it or live with it.


New Member
Jim said:
The game is simply not playing in 16:9. You just have to set your game to a 16:9 resolution. If the game does not provide a 16:9 resolution then you'll either have to stretch it or live with it.

Ok, how do I stretch it to fit 16:9? Because it seems that every other streamers managed to do it, so I'm confused :S