Question / Help Tweaking my stream


New Member
Hello all,

Recently I started using OBS oftware for my streaming. I used to stream with Xsplit and decided to give it a go with OBS Software as I hear alot of good things about it. Last night I streamed some World of Warcraft and I was wondering how I can tweak my stream to the best quality available. Watching the vod back it seems to be a little bit laggy at some times or let's say not smooth as it should be. Here is the information about what I have and use:


OBS Settings
CBR option: enabled (what is this option btw?)
bitrate: 3000
preset: veryfast
resolution: 1680x1050

And i use Dxtory to capture my World of Warcraft game.

Internet speed

Computer specs
CPU: Intel Core i7 3770K
Memory: Corsair Vengeance CML16GX3M2A1600C1 (16 GB)
Graphic card: Gigabyte GV-N670OC-2GD

Windows/wow resolution
Windows: 1680x1050
Wow: 1680x1050

As you can see my max monitor resolution is 1680x1050 so I also stream in this resolution.

Wow ingame graphic settings

I aslo experience lag on certain fights in 25-man raid while streaming. If anyone can help me out in tweaking my stream I would be very grateful.

Thanks in advance!


Active Member
Please include:
-A logfile (from %appdata%/OBS/logs/ ) of a live streaming session (not just a test or preview-stream log)
-A link to the VOD if you have one (a picture says a thousand words)
-The results of a 6MB test at (Speedtest tests file transfer rates, NOT constant bandwidth availability... many ISPs 'spike' transfer, while livestreaming requires a baseline throughput at all times; testmy will give you a better idea of what you actually get consistently, rather than an average rate which is acceptable only for dead-file transfers)

Also please note that Twitch expects a 16:9 stream; when handed a 16:10 AR stream, it will automatically letterbox your cast to 16:9. If you want control over this (like to use the dead space for an onscreen chatbox or webcam) it's advised to use the Custom res to go to 1920x1080, then use the Edit Scene button and scale the gameplay up to fill the screen, and position it as you like, then downscale as necessary (720p is a popular streaming size for most casters that have the capacity and capability).


Town drunk
Generally if you are experiencing in game framerate lag, you will need to lower in game settings, or downscale your streaming resolution. The second option will usually have a more noticeable performance impact. If you are experiencing latency for issuing in game commands, you can try the "Minimize Network Impact" setting in Settings>Broadcast Settings. Failing that, you'll have to lower bitrate some until the latency stops.

Deleted member 3892

Nice one, now, how much fps have you got when streaming? Butter 60fps should be minimally.


New Member
kernel1337 said:
Nice one, now, how much fps have you got when streaming? Butter 60fps should be minimally.
It depends on the situation I am in. For example on 25-man raids the fps can drop to 25 depending on the intensitivity of a fight graphic wise. In a RBG i can have between 50-100. Ill try to keep track of it since I am online again and about to do RBG's on my paladin.


Community Helper
You shouldn't need to capture with DxTory. OBS's Game Capture is the fastest capture method available, even faster than capture cards.


New Member
dodgepong said:
You shouldn't need to capture with DxTory. OBS's Game Capture is the fastest capture method available, even faster than capture cards.
Oh I did not know this. I will definitly try this out. Thank you for your reply. I will let you know how this works (probably tomorrow or next reset)


Active Member
Yeah, looks like you're getting eaten alive by preprocess (70% of the time is happening there). When I was having that happen, I was using Monitor Capture (the worst/slowest of the built-in OBS capture methods). Definitely give the built-in Game Capture a shot instead. For XSplit, DXtory can be necessary for some games. OBS? Not... so much. :) Plus some have reported that GameCap actually gives better image fidelity than DXtory.

I'd also consider giving a bump from 30fps to 60fps a try. It looks like you have the bandwidth and CPU to handle the extra encoding/throughput, and it will make your stream look a LOT better. Not necessary, but can take your stream from 'good' to outright lickable.


New Member
Thanks for the responses guys. I tried out a LFR with gamecapture and it felt pretty smooth playing wise.


The preprocess dropped to 21.7% but I didn't stream for 4 hours this time like the other example was.

I am not sure if I could stream in 60fps, because when streaming raids the fps ingame drops sometimes below 25% (on a big fight in wow with bloodlust etc.). Do I need to change anything else if I wanted to do 60 fps?

Should I btw disable the CBR option in the encoding tab?

P.s.: this stream session was still in 30fps.


Community Helper
CBR is better for viewers, because your bandwidth usage doesn't spike around as much. You should leave that enabled.


New Member
Okay thanks for the reply. I still would like to get an answer from some more people for suggestions. I also was wondering how it comes that like 1 person says my stream sometimes lags a little bit, but when I watch back the vod it is flawless to me.

for example:


Is it then on their end with the connection of Twitch or can I tweak my setup more?

Thanks all for the help.


Community Helper
If you're not dropping or lagging frames, then it's either on Twitch's end or their end.

Anyone watching your stream will have to have a download speed greater than or equal to the speed at which you are uploading. So some people with not-so-great internet won't be able to watch at full speed. Also, some people who don't have great computers might not be able to watch high-resolution Flash video because they don't have the system resources.

Here are average internet speeds in a few different countries according to Netflix, for instance: