Question / Help Trying to stream with OBS


New Member
I just installed OBS, and the stream looks really nice in the preview stream, but when I try to stream, i get a black screen, but my preview screen shows up with a picture of my game.
Picture of how it looks:
I have directX 11 at the moment, and the latest version of my windows (using windows 7).
Is this a bug or am I just too stupid to be able to stream on twitch with this program :)


Forum Admin
Make sure you are using the correct stream key and the best Twitch server - Twitch reset all stream keys today due to a compromise. The dropped frame counter seems high, which is why you should pick a better Twitch server.


Town drunk
They reset stream keys? Did they let people know, somehow? I never got a notice or anything about that o_O


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
multiple possibilities for black stream output -
1.) no sources in the scene (I doubt this is your problem but I have to mention it)
2.) using software capture, and trying to capture a fullscreen game. you can't yet, you have to use some sort of windowed mode.
3.) using software capture, trying to capture an opengl game with window capture -- you have to disable aero to capture GL games, window capture or monitor capture.
4.) you're using software capture, and you haven't run windows update in a long time (seems that on some machines you need to update windows to get software capture working properly) -- or maybe device drivers, not sure which one. or maybe latest version of directx (though you can be using 11, you may not actually be up-to-date with subversions)

if it's not one of those things let me know


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
software can often have minor updates, or bugfixes, and stuff such as that, so although you could have directx 11, it's entirely possible that you don't have the latest updated version of it. that's what I mean. ... aspx?id=35 is what you can use to find out -- I also have it included with the installer now.