Hey im trying to stream in 720p 60fps but the problem is, when i stream to twitch, it either gets stuck in an infinite loading screen or it loads every 5 seconds. How do i fix it? Here is my log of my last stream. http://pastebin.com/qKt4ymjc
But what if I want to play in 144fps?Enable vsync or some other form of FPS limiter in your game.
So what do you suppose I do, should I up the bitrate and change the encoder? I play almost all games at max settings with 1440p.If you have a 144 Hz monitor then enabling vsync would cap the FPS at 144 FPS. Assuming your 980Ti is capable of driving Overwatch at 1440p and 144 FPS without maxing out then your OBS performance should improve as well. If not then you'll need to take steps to reduce the GPU load.
1300 Kbps is also quite insufficient for a 720p60 stream, moreso when using a hardware encoder like NVENC. Things are going to look terrible.