Question / Help Trying to find good quality to stream on.


New Member
I've been using obs for a couple months now and haven't been able to find out what settings are right for me. I've been getting a little bit low frames when I stream on the settings I have.

Following specs:
Processor- AMD FX(tm)-4300 Quad-Core Processor 3.80 GHz
Ram- Kingston HyperX 8.00 GB
Graphics Card- Nvida 550ti

This is my current internet connection-

If anyone can help me that would be great! Thank you for your time.


you say your have been getting low frame rates (assuming you mean ingame) while streaming. Do you mind posting a log so we can see what your current settings are and other information that can be valuable to helping.


Try lowering your stream to 30fps see if that helps. On a semi unrelated note i'm not sure if having a higher buffer than bitrate is necessary in fact I'm not even sure what that would do. What type of capture method are you using with your game and what game are you trying to stream? If the capture method you are using is Monitor capture and you are on windows 7 with aero on this is a known to cause fps issues even with aero off it's not that great of a capture method.


New Member
I stream plenty of games such as, World of Warcraft, Neverwinter, and others. I don't use monitor capture I use Game Capture. I'm just trying to find what bitrate and buffer rate to use. I did as you said to lower it to 30fps.