Question / Help Trouble playing .avi file


New Member
I have a .avi file that I want to play as a loop in OBS. It isn't visible though.

Steps I've taken:
1) Add Global Source -> Video
2) Vid Width 640, Vid Height 480
3) Added correct path on PC
4) Checked box for "Playlist Looping"
5) In "Sources", clicked "Add Global Source", chose my video.

Is there a size limit for these videos (it's only 695 MB and is only 8 seconds long)? What would cause this video to not be visible?
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1. Try opening the video in VLC. If it doesn't play in there, it won't play in OBS.
2. Try adding it as a regular source.
3. Classic isn't being developed anymore, so you might want to move to Studio, which has much better media support (IMO).


New Member
I use Classic because (at least the last time I tried Studio) you couldn't have a source be non-global so it loaded as soon as you started OBS. I want some of my sources to only play when I choose that particular scene.

The video plays in VLC just fine. Just tried adding it as a regular source and it's a no-go still. It just doesn't show anything.