Question / Help Tried many set-ups, good computer, good internet. Bad Stream Quality.


New Member
Hello all, I am sure there are many threads like this as I have been looking all over the internet and watching videos trying to figure this out. Here is my set-up...Not entirely sure what all matters but here is some general stuff.

i7-5820k 3.30GHz 16.0GB
80Mbps DL and 11.46 Mbps Upload
Partnered on Twitch (As a sort of work benefit not because I stream often)

Now I have tried streaming in full-screen and in windowed. I have tried streaming at multiple base resolutions with downscale and not down-scaling. I have tried bitrates from 1800-4000 and both 30 and 60 fps. I have used combinations of all of these settings as well as using video and written guides to make sure all the other settings work accordingly (spent the last 2 days looking up stuff). No matter what I do the stream is just mediocre quality (at best) and just very blurry and/or choppy/pixelated.

Am I missing something? What are other potential problems/issues I should look into? I have seen people with worse computers and internet connections than me stream wayyy better.

Also, Recently I have been trying to stream an mmorpg type game with graphics and mobility similar to league of legends and Dota 2.

Edit: Figured I should say that while recording or streaming these games... The actual game itself runs flawlessly and on good graphic settings.


New Member


Forum Moderator
That looks totally fine. Be sure to change the quality from the default of "medium" to "source" in the Twitch player or it will look pretty bad.


New Member
I am viewing it in Source. Your right in that I do think it looks "fine" but I was hoping with what I am working with I could get better than fine. I viewed it in source and yes the quality looks good but whenever I am moving or stuff is happening it still looks quite pixelated and blurrs.

Perhaps my view is distorted a bit because I am trying to watch my stream while I am streaming to see how it looks? I do think it looks better if i go back and watch the vod as opposed to live.
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Forum Moderator
Test with the fast or medium x264 preset, beyond better compression and throwing an extra 500 Kbps to use Twitch's max bitrate there's not much to be done. Your expectations may simply be unrealistic.


New Member
I have managed to use some of these suggestions and my stream seems to be in great shape. I also think that because I was trying to watch my stream (2nd monitor) while streaming it made the video look much worse than it actually was.