Question / Help Totally new to OBS - Need help for use it in an unusual context


New Member
Hello all, great community around here!
I hope this is the right place to post, otherwise mod please move the thread wherever it`s more appropriate.
So, the reason I got interested in OBS is that I have an issue where I work and I was wondering if OBS could
help me out big time. I do work in a research lab in California and we use daily an old microscope (actually
is the microscope used in Jurassic Park). From the scope we have 4 video output (2 cameras, and 2 output from the computer, one of which is an overlay with information about the experiments). Currently these inputs feed into
a video mixer from which we basically select a camera+overlay and then we record the images from a tv monitor
into a dvr. Now all this is very messy and overlycomplicated in my opinion. So my idea (which I hope is doable) is to
buy a computer with one or two videograbbing boards and use OBS to overlay my different sources and use the same
computer to record. Money is not an issue but I would love is somebody could help me telling me if
a) this is doable
b) exactly which boards and else will work for me
If anybody lives in Southern Cali actually even better, we may pay someone to do it for us.
Thanks everybody!


Active Member
How many video feeds do you need to capture? What physical format of video output are they (HDMI, DVI, SDI, VGA, Component, Composite, etc)? What resolution and framerate? Still image or video? If not still image, how long do you need it to record for? How important is color accuracy/precision?

Should be do-able regardless of what you answer above.

I used to work in a small pharma research lab (as the IT support) and we had a Leica scope and camera that outputted to an ancient video capture card... Intergraph maybe? I don't recall the brand exactly any more, but it worked ~10 years ago, so there's surely a solution today. Depending on what you want to do, you might be better suited with the software that comes with the video capture card instead of OBS though.
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New Member
There will be only 2 camera feeding and 1 feeding from the overlay that comes with the scope (the one that gives you x,y,z lens type and such), but we only use 1 camera at the time. We make videos and record them, right now they are quite big, on the tune of 1GB each, and we make like 20GB per day. But that is not a problem with fast HD. The only thing that worries me is that our former IT never suggested this pretty straightforward solution, so I`m wondering if there is some catch related to the output from the scope itself more than from the cameras.
Thanks anyway!


Active Member
Legacy solutions that work tend to stay the solution until they break, even well after they've become obsolete. Still need to know the rest if you want some recommendations.