Question / Help Title/Text from Internet .txt File


New Member

i'm missing feature, or i didn't find it ;)

I want to give OBS a .txt file on a ftp, with auto-refresh (like xpslit). Right now it's only possible to put in the .txt file once - the .txt file will stored on the local tmp drive, but won't refresh :/

Am i right, or is there another way?


FTP isn't really optimal for such a solution.

I use Dropbox for this. Which works very well.

edit: Might have missunderstood a bit.. looks like you don't want to host the file yourself. Then I think you will have to wait for an update. Or look into som batch scripts that updates the file locally and uploads/downloads as necessary


New Member
The problem is, if i add a URL-Text-File (http://....._.txt) i get this after hitting ok:
C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\

@Faruton: what do you mean exactly?

Dropbox or another cloudspace is not the best way, if you want sync stuff with two or more people.
My Workaround right now is to usw Autohotkey and some scriping stuff.


djredstorm said:
Dropbox or another cloudspace is not the best way, if you want sync stuff with two or more people.
My Workaround right now is to usw Autohotkey and some scriping stuff.
You can setup shared folders easily with cloud services. But I guess you already know that.