I would like there to be a timestamp after the filename, like:
MySettings - 2014-05-28 00-35-26-474
Now i actually added this in my modded version along with YV24, though i find it quite frustrating to have to redo it every time it get's updated.
While YV24 i can understand you don't want, however timestamp is quite nice for many reasons, that's why it's so common in capture software.
Here is how i implemented it.
Now as you can see, i am simply using the preexisting code, so in my case i don't have any checks to control wether i want the timestamp or not, it will just use the timestamp after the name.
bUseDateTimeName is always True, and this comes before the other:
if(!bOverwrite && (hFind = OSFindFirstFile(strOutputFile, ofd)))
But at least it should be easy to implement, with a checkbox or something (have no idea have to add GUI stuff in C++ as it's all just codes).
So, what do you think;D?
MySettings - 2014-05-28 00-35-26-474
Now i actually added this in my modded version along with YV24, though i find it quite frustrating to have to redo it every time it get's updated.
While YV24 i can understand you don't want, however timestamp is quite nice for many reasons, that's why it's so common in capture software.
Here is how i implemented it.
if (bUseDateTimeName)
String strFileName = GetPathFileName(strOutputFile);
//if (!strFileName.IsValid() || !IsSafeFilename(strFileName))
String strDirectory = GetPathDirectory(strOutputFile);
String file = strOutputFile.Right(strOutputFile.Length() - strDirectory.Length());
String extension;
if (!file.IsEmpty())
extension = GetPathExtension(file.Array());
if (extension.IsEmpty())
extension = TEXT("mp4");
strOutputFile = FormattedString(TEXT("%s/%s %u-%02u-%02u %02u-%02u-%02u-%02u.%s"), strDirectory.Array(), strFileName.Array(), st.wYear, st.wMonth, st.wDay, st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond, st.wMilliseconds, extension.Array());
Now as you can see, i am simply using the preexisting code, so in my case i don't have any checks to control wether i want the timestamp or not, it will just use the timestamp after the name.
bUseDateTimeName is always True, and this comes before the other:
if(!bOverwrite && (hFind = OSFindFirstFile(strOutputFile, ofd)))
But at least it should be easy to implement, with a checkbox or something (have no idea have to add GUI stuff in C++ as it's all just codes).
So, what do you think;D?