Question / Help This update is absolute GARBAGE, FIX IT ASAP!


New Member
Ever since this BS! 15.4 update my recordings have gone to absolute trash

I'm running at a
GTX 780
16GB of RAM
INTEL(R) Core(TM) i7-4820k @ 4.20GHz

I don't know what you people did at OBS but you done messed it up for a lot of people looking at the forums!

I'VE NEVER!!!!!!!!! Have had any problems before! all of my videos ran at 60+ FPS with great quality.


  • 2016-08-29 15-14-49.txt
    42.1 KB · Views: 23


Forum Admin
From looking at this log, it looks like you're having some issues with your webcam? This was caused by an update from Microsoft (the Windows10 anniversary update changes how Windows 10 handles webcams). OBS has no control over this.

I also see that you're trying to record 720p, 60fps, and only have 1500 bitrate set. This is WAY too low for 720p 60fps. Use simple mode and the recording presets. See this thread:

Lastly, it looks like you're completely overloading your PC. Overwatch is the kind of game that will chew CPU/GPU if you don't cap at something reasonable (either with vsync or a manual FPS cap in game).


New Member
I'm not trying to stream, and I think these logs are faulty. I am trying to record 1080p videos for youtube. I am literally trying every setting and putting everything on low as possible and it all results in the same garbage footage! Like I seriously need help, I just set the frame cap to 60 and put v sync on in Overwatch but it didn't help.

The footage I get is EXTREEEEEEEEEEEEMLY choppy and will not stop stuttering only time it plays good is when I ALT TAB out of the game and watch it through my second monitor and the gameplay on it looks amazing, no stutter not choppy AT ALL!


Forum Admin
Yes was my mistake, I saw some RTMP errors and assumed you were trying to stream.

Check out the local recording thread on how to make high-quality recordings using the built-in presets for Studio (you can ignore the stuff about multi-track, just look at the first part).


Forum Admin
Put your preset back to veryfast and stop touching settings you don't understand.