Bug Report These applications require the 32bit version of OBS?


New Member
I'm having some trouble with OBS. I want to start up a stream with League of Legends but I can't select the proper application because it's in a window that says that these applications require the 32bit version of OBS to capture, despite me using a 64-bit Windows 7 OS. Is it supposed to be like this?


nohnohyeh said:
I'm having some trouble with OBS. I want to start up a stream with League of Legends but I can't select the proper application because it's in a window that says that these applications require the 32bit version of OBS to capture, despite me using a 64-bit Windows 7 OS. Is it supposed to be like this?
in order for obs to hook its game capture method on an app or game it has to match the obs version. and since lol is a 32bit game you have to use a 32bit obs.


Community Helper
As an addendum to what the other two said (who are correct), it's generally better to use the 32bit version at all times, unless you need to capture a 64bit game. A lot of people assume that since they have a 64bit system, they need 64bit OBS...this is not the case. Always use 32bit unless you need to use Game Capture to capture a 64bit game.


dodgepong said:
As an addendum to what the other two said (who are correct), it's generally better to use the 32bit version at all times, unless you need to capture a 64bit game. A lot of people assume that since they have a 64bit system, they need 64bit OBS...this is not the case. Always use 32bit unless you need to use Game Capture to capture a 64bit game.
Any reason why? The latest tests I saw show that the 64bit version(of x264) is always faster, a lot.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I'm currently in the process of attempting to get game capture in 64bit OBS to work on 32bit games and vise versa so you can get the benefits of 64bit x264