Question / Help The static:( [solved]


New Member
Has anyone found a fix for the static? Whenever I stream with OBS I get static both in my headset and in my stream. It's incredibly annoying and ruins any chance I have of streaming. The static will also go through my skype to others on the call. Now I know it isn't my headset or mic, because I use them all the time for gaming and skype and never have any issues when OBS isn't running. Anyway, I hope someone can help, I've looked on the internet already for fixes and none of them worked for me. Any and all help is greatly appreciated and thank you in advance!


New Member
Re: The static:(

I just wanted to say I solved my issue by switching from a USB powered 3.5mm hack Headset to a USB powered Digital Headset. I'm not sure what the difference is, and the headset was always perfect but didn't work with OBS. Hope this can help someone else.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I actually greatly appreciate that information, and I'm sure others will too. Very interesting, I wish I could replicate this issue (bane of being a developer)