The "Go" feature


New Member
Wasn't really sure what to name the topic...but wirecast has this feature..where the scene you may want to update can be done while the current scene is active..then the "GO" button is used to make the scene you are working on go active.

heres my set back...I have a scene that pulls to seperate live feeds from 2 different pc's at the same time. Now in this scene, I click a graphic above each feed showing viewers what the feed is..this is a racing feed on left I might be focusing on leaders, while feed on right I might be focusing on a 6th place battle. So I select battle for lead graphic, and battle for 6th the problem..I have 2 current choices...I either have to uncheck the graphics before I leave the scene which the viewers will see so they done show up again when I come back to the scene....or leave them in the scene when I go to another scene...but they will auto load next time I come back. I may not be focusing on the same exact thing next time I load this double feed may be a battle for 2nd place on the left, and battle for 7th place on the right. That's where the "GO" button would come in nicely.

In a nut shell, we need to be able to update a scene while the current scene is playing. Xsplit does not have this feature unless a new version came out, but I know wirecast does enable this.
To me, this should be high priority in the upcoming features.
If anyone knows a work around until this is available, I'm all ears :)


The Helping Squad
The edit scene in background feature has been requested more than once.

A workaround would be to use textfiles for your titles. For example Title-left.txt and Title-right.txt, now if you edit the txt file even while its already loaded into OBS, it should show the new title.