Question / Help The constant crashing


New Member
So I have been using OBS since april but since July, whatever happened to twitch,my OBS keeps crashing. I read up on forums hoping I did not have to make an account and just read what other users got help with to see if it worked for me also. I reset my stream key, made sure I didn't copy an extra space, changed the twitch server it connected to, made a new profile, but the problem persists. I do not know how to post my logs yet and I have not uninstall/reinstall either. Please tell me how to show logs and if I shall uninstall. I am open to other suggestions also cause I really want to get my streaming started back up. It really is bothersome...


Member -- It is one of the global stickies. Anywhere you go you will see that sticky by Jim with information on how to post a log.

Regarding uinstalling/reinstalling OBS; how did you install it in the first place? Using the installer? If so... there is an uninstall option. Or, you could, I don't know... Google something?.

Regardless, I have a question -- Does OBS actually crash? Or does it simply stop streaming?


New Member
Kharay said: -- It is one of the global stickies. Anywhere you go you will see that sticky by Jim with information on how to post a log.

Regarding uinstalling/reinstalling OBS; how did you install it in the first place? Using the installer? If so... there is an uninstall option. Or, you could, I don't know... Google something?.

Regardless, I have a question -- Does OBS actually crash? Or does it simply stop streaming?

It just stopped streaming, would reconnect the connect again. And sometimes i'd get the message "You were still logged into the twitch server" or get the "Error: your stream key might be broken" message.

Here are the logs by the way:


The log shows that it's from the current stable build.. Change the twitch ingest to one that is close to where you're located.


New Member
hilalpro said:
The log shows that it's from the current stable build.. Change the twitch ingest to one that is close to where you're located.
Ok i switched it to dallas since it is the closest to me, 1 hour difference from both miami and san antonio

Log Update:

lasted 15 minutes this time, it improved kind of


New Member
1 thing I would like to know, when i did the test to see what setting to use on my obs, and it said 5 for bit rate and 3 for buffer, does that mean 500, 300, or 5000/3000. I do not know if high or low is good. And does 5 quality mean it is lower? Also I wonder if it is a bug or not and if i should uninstall/reinstall or reset it.


Looks like you haven't dropped frames when uploading to Miami and 5mbps is 5000kbps (so it should suggest 4000kbps) but anyways lower the audio bitrate to aac 96, put the preset back to veryfast and change the bitrate/bufsize to 2500kbps..
If you target a low quality the encoder will not use the full bitrate when it's not needed for it and so higher values would result in less of just that.. CBR would just always accurately utilize the full bitrate without targeting a specific quality.


New Member
alright, just to be sure, put a check in the cbr box?

I will also report back just so you can see improvements.


Community Helper
That log does not show CBR as being enabled. To enable CBR, check the CBR box in your encoding settings. Make sure CBR padding is also on.


New Member
dodgepong said:
That log does not show CBR as being enabled. To enable CBR, check the CBR box in your encoding settings. Make sure CBR padding is also on.
Lol i was asking if i should turn it on, but this says yes so i will


Community Helper
You said "Do i to turn on cbr and it did ok" and my best attempt at parsing that as English was that you were asking if you had turned on CBR properly.

Yes, you should enable CBR.


New Member
One more thing, I do not think the estimator covers everything for testing

Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU B980 @ 2.40GHz

Ram: 4 GB (3.71 Usable)

System Type: 64-Bit

So some things aren't covered from what I read on the estimator