Question / Help The added "Text Source" feature.


New Member
I have some questions about this feature.
As I understand it you can choose that the software uses text from a "txt"- file. In that regard, how does it handle this file? Does it lock the txt file for editing if you have the OBS software running, basically making it read-only? At what point does the OBS software read the info in the file and does OBS check if there are changes made in the file during runtime so you can change the text when broadcasting, or do you have to reload the scene to read the new text in the file? In that case, is there a way do to this automatically if the software doesn't detect the changes?

In my specific case, I would like to read a txt file with info and then scroll this info as a text layer in the program. After it has scrolled to the end of the text I would like the program to see if there has been a change (or just reread) in the txt file and scroll the new (old) info again. I would then use an external program to write to the txt file when needed.


Forum Admin
OBS does not lock out the file it's reading from, so you can still edit it. If the text in the file changes, it will update in OBS instantly.

Definitely a good suggestion to allow updating only after scrolling through X times though.


New Member
Ok, thanks for the answers Warchamp7. Yeah, it wouldn't be a big thing to add a scroll counter and update in the app i think, aspecially since it seems according to your post that most of the work/functions would exist already in OBS.


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Forum Moderator
Hey zirgo -- did you ever get your app working? You never came back to the chat.

Yep, it automatically updates when it is changed.