Thanks for helping with Derbycon!


I used OBS to record Derbycon this year, results were pretty good: ... 3/mainlist

Only a few failures, and those were mostly hardware problems I think. Had one lockup where I only got audio and green video, but it looks like they were running an older OBS version at the time (I installed the beta for dependence, and then used the test version as it seemed more stable).

Had a lot of audio issues, so I need to look into how the noise gate works (can that work with a capture dongle as the audio source?), I cleaned it in post with Audacaity. The lower quality of the live section of the videos is because of the HD down to composite video capture I did, I've got a Live Gamer Portable on the way that should fix that.

Thanks for the great software. Got better gear coming for Hack3rcon in West Virgina, we will see how it works there.


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Glad to hear everything went relatively okay, thanks for the feedback.