Okay I am using the standard OBS program not studio. I have the browser add on as well. Anyway here is my problem. Last Wednesday evening my PC was forced to update (Mandatory Update) to "Windows 10 1 year anniversary edition". Prior to this update I have never had an issue. But now after the update without 20 minutes of me streaming any game using OBS to twitch. OBS crashes. My game doesn't crash but OBS does. Giving me the Texture mapping error and that I should try turning off overclock x264. I have uninstalled and reinstalled OBS several times. I have tried using x32 and x64. To no avail! All of my programs are up to date. I have tried previous versions in different avenues. And still nothing works. So what is the problem here? I never had this issue prior to the windows 10 anniversary update. And none of my video games crash....