Question / Help Texture->Map failed: 0x887a0005 0x887a0006


New Member
I've been streaming for years. From new releases to old games. I've had little to no problems with OBS in the past, at least nothing too difficult to fix.

Imagine my surprise when I get the itch to try streaming Skyrim again, and no matter HOW I configure the game; With mods, without mods, with SKSE, without SKSE, HD packs, no HD packs, High settings, Low settings... The game WILL NOT play with OBS. Here's the thing though, I've streamed Skyrim before, WITH MODS, and now I suddenly cant

Let me elaborate. I can hook into the game fine and capture footage and sound. I have no FPS issues. I can maybe stream anywhere from 1-5 minutes before I get

"Texture->Map failed: 0x887a0005 0x887a0006

Your video card or driver froze and was reset. Please check for possible hardware / driver issues."

At which point OBS crashes and I have to restart it. My monitors don't flicker, my game doesn't stutter, I notice NO actual performance hit from my GPU supposedly "Resetting". I can however, PLAY Skyrim absolutely fine.

I have an Nvidia 760 that has just been updated (even tried rolling back drivers), that is NOT OC'd, an i5 4670k that IS OC'd to a soft 4.4ghz, 16gb ram and running the new win 10 anniversary. I have tested other games, I have tested other settings. No matter what I do I CANNOT get OBS to record skyrim without crashing.

Logs are available upon request, I'm just not sure where to locate them. If one would like to explain how to get a log I'll send you whatever you want.


New Member
As I said in my original post, I've been streaming for years, have tried streaming other games, have tried lowering graphical settings in bothy Skyrim AND OBS, and OBS ONLY crashes with Skyrim. Now, are you really going to sit here and try to tell me the same stuff that a 5 year old game that isn't even remotely graphically intensive even on it's highest settings, it shorting out my GPU?

I've overloaded my GPU before with GTAV using settings that it theoretically couldn't handle, but I was still able to stream just fine in 1080p with the settings I used. Please do not try and tell me it's my GPU, because I know for a fact it isn't. I've turned off ALL OC's and monitored temps religiously. If it was really just a problem with my GPU, I'd be crashing actual games, NOT JUST OBS. This issue is ONLY when I stream Skyrim. Skyrim continues to play, as do my other games (Even while streaming). This issue is JUST related to when I try and stream Skyrim.


New Member
Hmm... Look at that. I decided to check and see if there was an update to OBS classic, when I found out about OBS Studio. Imagine my surprise when OBS Studio DOESN'T Crash when I stream Skyrim. So, are you still convinced it's my GPU and NOT OBS Classic? The only other thing I can think of is using a fresh base of OBS Classic. But I honestly don't want to have to redo ALL my scenes. I understand I'll have to do that if I switch to Studio, but at least I can use Classic as a reference to my most commonly used scenes.

I would like to ask this gets stickied somehow so other people can see my potential fix and try it for themselves. Because I've seen quite a few questions regarding this issue and not once in any thread was a concrete fix found.