Bug Report Text Source not updating


New Member
Hey folks. I've encountered a small bug in the recent version of OBS. I'm using the "Use Text From File" option in the text source to show the name of the song I am currently playing on my stream. Up till I updated OBS this worked flawlessly, but now it only updates to the next song when I go into the properties of this text source. Nothing major though, but just something I've noticed.

Keep up the awesome work your doing with this streaming program!


Hmm... Weird. It works for me without any problem on 0.461a 32-bit. I don't have a 64-bit operating system to check. Maybe try adding the source again?


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
It appears to work okay on my end. Could you make sure the file is being saved in UTF-8?


New Member
Using a different program to generate the .txt file seems to have solved the problem. Weird though how it worked fine before the update. Anyway apologies for the false bug report and thanks for your help :-)